Source code for floodestimation.entities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Copyright (c) 2014  Florenz A.P. Hollebrandse <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

This module contains the core components or entities, including :class:`.Catchment`, :class:`.AmaxRecord` etc.

Note that all entities are subclasses of :class:`floodestimation.db.Base` which is an SQL Alchemy base class to enable
saving to a (sqlite) database. All class attributes therefore are :class:`sqlalchemy.Column` objects e.g.
`Column(Float)`, `Column(String)`, etc. Attribute values can simply be set like normal, e.g. `catchment.watercourse =
"River Dee"`.


from math import hypot, atan
from datetime import timedelta
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, String, Float, Boolean, Date, ForeignKey, SmallInteger, type_coerce, cast
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, composite
from sqlalchemy.ext.mutable import MutableComposite
from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_method
# Current package imports
from .analysis import QmedAnalysis, InsufficientDataError
from . import db

[docs]class Point(MutableComposite): """ Point coordinate object Example: >>> from floodestimation.entities import Point >>> point = Point(123000, 456000) Coordinates systems are currently not supported. Instead use ` = 'gb'` etc. """ def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __setattr__(self, key, value): object.__setattr__(self, key, value) # alert all parents to the change self.changed() def __composite_values__(self): return self.x, self.y def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Point) and \ other.x == self.x and \ other.y == self.y def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs]class Catchment(db.Base): """ Catchment object include FEH catchment descriptors and additional information describing the catchment. Example: >>> from floodestimation.entities import Catchment, Descriptors >>> catchment = Catchment("Aberdeen", "River Dee") >>> catchment.channel_width = 1 >>> catchment.descriptors = Descriptors(dtm_area=1, bfihost=0.50, sprhost=50, saar=1000, farl=1, urbext=0} >>> catchment.qmed() 0.2671386414098229 """ __tablename__ = 'catchments' #: Gauging station number id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: Catchment outlet location name, e.g. `Aberdeen` location = Column(String) #: Name of watercourse at the catchment outlet, e.g. `River Dee` watercourse = Column(String) #: Abbreviation of country, e.g. `gb`, `ni`. country = Column(String(2), index=True) #: Width of the watercourse channel at the catchment outlet in m. channel_width = Column(Float) #: Catchment area in km² area = Column(Float) point_x = Column(Integer, index=True) point_y = Column(Integer, index=True) #: Coordinates of catchment outlet as :class:`.Point` object point = composite(Point, point_x, point_y) #: Whether this catchment can be used to estimate QMED at other similar catchments is_suitable_for_qmed = Column(Boolean, index=True, default=False, nullable=False) #: Whether this catchment's annual maximum flow data can be used in pooling group analyses is_suitable_for_pooling = Column(Boolean, index=True, default=False, nullable=False) #: List of annual maximum flow records as :class:`.AmaxRecord` objects amax_records = relationship("AmaxRecord", order_by="AmaxRecord.water_year", cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref="catchment") #: Peaks-over-threshold dataset (one-to-one relationship) pot_dataset = relationship("PotDataset", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref="catchment") #: List of comments comments = relationship("Comment", order_by="Comment.title", cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref="catchment") #: FEH catchment descriptors (one-to-one relationship) descriptors = relationship("Descriptors", uselist=False, cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref="catchment") def __init__(self, location=None, watercourse=None): self.location = location self.watercourse = watercourse self.amax_records = [] # Start with empty set of descriptors, so we always do ` = value` self.descriptors = Descriptors()
[docs] def qmed(self): """ Returns QMED estimate using best available methodology depending on what catchment attributes are available. :return: QMED in m³/s :rtype: float """ return QmedAnalysis(self).qmed()
@hybrid_method def distance_to(self, other_catchment): """ Returns the distance between the centroids of two catchments in kilometers. :param other_catchment: Catchment to calculate distance to :type other_catchment: :class:`.Catchment` :return: Distance between the catchments in km. :rtype: float """ try: if == try: return 0.001 * hypot(self.descriptors.centroid_ngr.x - other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr.x, self.descriptors.centroid_ngr.y - other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr.y) except TypeError: # In case no centroid available, just return infinity which is helpful in most cases return float('+inf') else: # If the catchments are in a different country (e.g. `ni` versus `gb`) then set distance to infinity. return float('+inf') except (TypeError, KeyError): raise InsufficientDataError("Catchment `descriptors` attribute must be set first.") @distance_to.expression def distance_to(cls, other_catchment): return 1e-6 * ( (cast(Descriptors.centroid_ngr_x, Float) - cast(other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr_x, Float)) * (cast(Descriptors.centroid_ngr_x, Float) - cast(other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr_x, Float)) + (cast(Descriptors.centroid_ngr_y, Float) - cast(other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr_y, Float)) * (cast(Descriptors.centroid_ngr_y, Float) - cast(other_catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr_y, Float)) )
[docs] def amax_records_start(self): """ Return first water year in amax records """ return min([record.water_year for record in self.amax_records])
[docs] def amax_records_end(self): """ Return last year in amax records """ return max([record.water_year for record in self.amax_records])
@property def record_length(self): """ Total number of valid AMAX records """ return len([amax_record for amax_record in self.amax_records if amax_record.flag == 0]) def __repr__(self): return "{} at {} ({})".format(self.watercourse, self.location,
[docs]class Descriptors(db.Base): """ Set of FEH catchment descriptors. This is the complete set of name = value pairs in the `[DESCRIPTORS]` block in a CD3 file. All other parameters are directly attributes of :class:`.Catchment`. Descriptors are used as follows: >>> from floodestimation.entities import Catchment >>> catchment = Catchment(...) >>> catchment.descriptors.dtm_area 416.56 >>> catchment.descriptors.centroid_ngr (317325, 699832) """ __tablename__ = 'descriptors' #: One-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False) ihdtm_ngr_x = Column(Integer) ihdtm_ngr_y = Column(Integer) #: Catchment outlet national grid reference as :class:`.Point` object. :attr:`` indicates #: coordinate system. ihdtm_ngr = composite(Point, ihdtm_ngr_x, ihdtm_ngr_y) centroid_ngr_x = Column(Integer, index=True) centroid_ngr_y = Column(Integer, index=True) #: Catchment centre national grid reference as :class:`.Point` object. :attr:`` indicates #: coordinate system. centroid_ngr = composite(Point, centroid_ngr_x, centroid_ngr_y) #: Surface area in km² based on digital terrain model data dtm_area = Column(Float) #: Mean elevation in m altbar = Column(Float) #: Mean aspect (orientation) in degrees aspbar = Column(Float) #: Aspect variance in degrees aspvar = Column(Float) #: Base flow index based on Hydrology of Soil Types (HOST) data. Value between 0 and 1. bfihost = Column(Float) #: Mean drainage path length in km dplbar = Column(Float) #: Mean drainage path slope (dimensionless) dpsbar = Column(Float) #: Lake, reservoir or loch flood attenuation index farl = Column(Float) #: Floodplain extent parameter fpext = Column(Float) #: Longest drainage path length in km ldp = Column(Float) #: Proportion of time soils are wet index propwet = Column(Float) #: Median annual maximum 1 hour rainfall in mm rmed_1h = Column(Float) #: Median annual maximum 1 day rainfall in mm rmed_1d = Column(Float) #: Median annual maximum 2 day rainfall in mm rmed_2d = Column(Float) #: Standard annual average rainfall in mm, 1961-1990 average saar = Column(Float) #: Standard annual average rainfall in mm, 1941-1970 average saar4170 = Column(Float) #: Standard percentage runoff based on Hydrology of Soil Types (HOST) data. Value between 0 and 100. sprhost = Column(Float) #: Urbanisation concentration index, 1990 data urbconc1990 = Column(Float) #: Urbanisation extent index, 1990 data urbext1990 = Column(Float) #: Urbanisation location within catchment index, 1990 data urbloc1990 = Column(Float) #: Urbanisation concentration index, 2000 data urbconc2000 = Column(Float) #: Urbanisation extent index, 2000 data urbext2000 = Column(Float, index=True) #: Urbanisation location within catchment index, 2000 data urbloc2000 = Column(Float)
[docs] def urbext(self, year): """ Estimate the `urbext2000` parameter for a given year assuming a nation-wide urbanisation curve. Methodology source: eqn 5.5, report FD1919/TR :param year: Year to provide estimate for :type year: float :return: Urban extent parameter :rtype: float """ # Decimal places increased to ensure year 2000 corresponds with 1 urban_expansion = 0.7851 + 0.2124 * atan((year - 1967.5) / 20.331792998) try: return self.catchment.descriptors.urbext2000 * urban_expansion except TypeError: # Sometimes urbext2000 is not set, assume zero return 0
[docs]class AmaxRecord(db.Base): """ A single annual maximum flow record. :attr:`.Catchment.amax_records` is a list of :class:`.AmaxRecord` objects. Example: >>> from floodestimation.entities import AmaxRecord >>> from datetime import date >>> record = AmaxRecord(date=date(1999,12,31), flow=51.2, stage=1.23) """ __tablename__ = 'amaxrecords' #: Many-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: Water year or hydrological year (starts 1 October) water_year = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: Date at which maximum flow occured date = Column(Date, nullable=False) #: Observed flow in m³/s flow = Column(Float, nullable=False) #: Observed water level in m above local datum stage = Column(Float, nullable=True) #: Data quality flag. 0 (default): valid value, 1: invalid value, 2: rejected record. flag = Column(SmallInteger, index=True, nullable=False, default=0) WATER_YEAR_FIRST_MONTH = 10 def __init__(self, date, flow, stage=None, flag=0): = date self.water_year = self.water_year_from_date(date) self.flow = flow self.stage = stage self.flag = flag def __repr__(self): return "{}: {:.1f} m³/s".format(self.water_year, self.flow) @classmethod def water_year_from_date(cls, date): if date.month >= cls.WATER_YEAR_FIRST_MONTH: return date.year else: # Jan-Sep is 'previous' water year return date.year - 1
class PotPeriod(object): def __init__(self, start_date, end_date): #: Start date of flow record self.start_date = start_date #: End date of flow record (inclusive) self.end_date = end_date def period_length(self): """ Return record length in years. """ return ((self.end_date - self.start_date).days + 1) / 365 def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__) and self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __repr__(self): return "PotPeriod {} to {}".format(self.start_date, self.end_date)
[docs]class PotDataset(db.Base): """ A peaks-over-threshold (POT) dataset including a list of :class:`.PotRecord` objects and some metadata such as start and end of record. """ __tablename__ = 'potdatasets' #: One-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: Start date of flow record start_date = Column(Date) #: End date of flow record (inclusive) end_date = Column(Date) #: Flow threshold in m³/s threshold = Column(Float) #: List of peaks-over-threshold records as :class:`.PotRecord` objects pot_records = relationship('PotRecord', order_by='', cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref='catchment') #: List of peaks-over-threshold records as :class:`.PotDataGap` objects pot_data_gaps = relationship('PotDataGap', order_by='PotDataGap.start_date', cascade="all, delete-orphan", backref='catchment') def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.pot_records = [] self.pot_data_gaps = [] @property def record_length(self): """ Return record length in years, including data gaps. """ return ((self.end_date - self.start_date).days + 1) / 365 - self.total_gap_length()
[docs] def total_gap_length(self): """ Return the total length of POT gaps in years. """ return sum(gap.gap_length() for gap in self.pot_data_gaps)
[docs] def continuous_periods(self): """ Return a list of continuous data periods by removing the data gaps from the overall record. """ result = [] # For the first period start_date = self.start_date for gap in self.pot_data_gaps: end_date = gap.start_date - timedelta(days=1) result.append(PotPeriod(start_date, end_date)) # For the next period start_date = gap.end_date + timedelta(days=1) # For the last period end_date = self.end_date result.append(PotPeriod(start_date, end_date)) return result
[docs]class PotDataGap(db.Base): """ A gap (period) in the peaks-over-threshold (POT) records. """ __tablename__ = 'potdatagaps' # We should really have catchment_id + start_date as primary key but unfortunately there are duplicates in the NRFA # dataset! id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: Many-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('potdatasets.catchment_id'), nullable=False, index=True) #: Start date of gap start_date = Column(Date, nullable=False) #: End date of gap (inclusive) end_date = Column(Date, nullable=False)
[docs] def gap_length(self): """ Return length of data gap in years. """ return ((self.end_date - self.start_date).days + 1) / 365
[docs]class PotRecord(db.Base): """ A single peaks-over-threshold (POT) flow record. Example: >>> from floodestimation.entities import PotRecord >>> from datetime import date >>> record = PotRecord(date=date(1999,12,31), flow=51.2, stage=1.23) """ __tablename__ = 'potrecords' # We should really have catchment_id + date as primary key but unfortunately there are duplicates in the NRFA # dataset! id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) #: Many-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('potdatasets.catchment_id'), nullable=False, index=True) #: Date at which flow occured date = Column(Date, nullable=False) #: Observed flow in m³/s flow = Column(Float) #: Observed water level in m above local datum stage = Column(Float) def __init__(self, date, flow, stage): = date self.flow = flow self.stage = stage def __repr__(self): return "{}: {:.1f} m³/s".format(, self.flow)
[docs]class Comment(db.Base): """ Comments on cachment contained in CD3 file. Each comment has a title (normally one of `station`, `catchment`, `qmed suitability` and `pooling suitability`) and content. :attr:`.Catchment.comments` is a list of :class:`.Comment` objects. Example: >>> from floodestimation.entities import Comment >>> comment = Comment(title="station", content="Velocity-area station on a straight reach ...") """ __tablename__ = 'comments' #: Many-to-one reference to corresponding :class:`.Catchment` object catchment_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: Comment title, e.g. `station` title = Column(String, primary_key=True, nullable=False) #: Comment, e.g. `Velocity-area station on a straight reach ...` content = Column(String) def __init__(self, title, content): self.title = title self.content = content def __repr__(self): return "{}: {}".format(self.title, self.content)